વિશ્વપ્રભા വിശ്വപ്രഭ
મલયાળમ્ മലയാളം (કેરળમ્ / કેરળા)
I am a user limited by local language skills
[ફેરફાર કરો]Dear friend,
I am not very familiar with the script of your language. Although I may be able to read the text and contents written in your script very slowly and poorly, I may not be able to comprehend the proper meaning of the same fast, accurate or efficient. My intention of staying here as a user is mostly to get involved in the cross-integration of Indic Wikipedias.
Therefore, Kindly try to write to me in English, whenever you need to communicate with me.
In the meanwhile, I will try my level best to learn more and become fluent in your language.
Thank you. Viswaprabha ૧૫:૦૮, ૫ ડિસેમ્બર ૨૦૧૧ (UTC)